Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Tomestone poems

Here at rest is poor Tom Jones,
Who spent his life collecting bones?
Until death that grim and boneless spectre,
The all amazing bone collector,
Boned old Jones all neat and tidy.
Here lies Jones all bona-fide

Say bo-na-fie-dee
The above painting was painted onsite where I found this poem

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Green Donkey

Along with art I have had an interest in writing poems

They run in series and sometimes are illustrated

About twenty years ago I wrote a few nonsense poems about donkeys.

The picture above is from one of those poems

If you buy a donkey ?

Will you buy a green one.

And bring it round to show me because Ive never seen one
Gordon's Watercolour Academy

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Thank you for the Flowers

Thank you for the flowers you sent.

She said.

I thought about the things we said last night.

I was wrong and you were right.

And as they strolled through the moonlight hours.

He thought to himself what frigging flowers.

The painting was accomplished by applying Indian ink to a previously coated sheet of watercolour paper. When the ink is dry you can lift it off be wetting the area with water , waiting awhile and dab it with a piece of rag. The rest is done with pastels.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Watercolour Poem

I read this poem in a watercolour magazine some years ago.

It was written by an artist named Marianne Alf.

The molasses like movement of marbleized hue.

Liquid Melody of Mozart in manganese blue.

Mardi gras colours melting into mouse gray.

Colours magically merging in a mercurial way.

Merely mixed on my palette, my colours are lush.

Watercolour is magic:

Merlin's wand is my brush

I think this poem sums up what most watercolour artist feel about their medium

Monday, September 3, 2007

Introducing Myself

Hi my name is Gordon and I am a watercolour artist.

I plan to use this blog site as a tool to both learn and teach in the watercolour medium.

My profile and paintings can be seen at

Gordon's Watercolour Academy

This web site offers free lessons to both the beginner and more advanced artist.

I would welcome your comments and idea's on both the web site and this blog page .

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Welcome to my first blogg

I am new to this blogging but see it as a oppertunity to both increase my knowledge, and to pass on to other what I have learned about the wonderful medium of WATERCOLOUR.

The watercolour above is typical of the level I have reached in watercolour after 10 years of practise.

I started in this medium after many years of painting in other mediums which as help me to overcome the diffilculity of the caprcious medium.